Friday, February 20, 2009


1. What events led to the outbreak of war in the DR Congo?
The events led to the out break because when the rwanda war came about it had spread across congo. The rwanda invaded the Kivus to track down the remaining genocidaires. They killed hundreds and thousands of others. At least eight other countries had came involved.  Another chapter in a bloody saga that could have ended long ago.

2.How many have died in this war? Over what time frame has the deaths taken place? What countries and ethnic groups are involved?
5 million people died congolese conflict . most people died from not having any access to food. they also died from being killed or health care. this all happen in the last 10 years.
3. What do you think can happen to stop the war/genocide in Congo?
I think that barack obama can stop it. I think that if they agree on stuff then maybe they would get along. But I would be mad if somebody came over and start shooting up my town. But we still can't slove it with violence. So maybe if they start careing about one another then maybe they won't have that problem. 

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